Preaching the message, not the law.
And that message is LOVE
And is the foundation of this mission statement.
For to have really encountered Jesus,
The all consuming fire God,
And fallen in love with Him,
A passion couldn't be stopped from igniting
And one wouldn't ever be the same,
Wouldn't talk the same
Or walk the same,
Wouldn't do what one's always done.
Look at the lives of every person Jesus encountered in the Bible.
The disciples, the tax collector, the prostitute,
The lame, the blind, the dead.
Changed forever, never to be the same again.
But He is the same today, yesterday, & forever.
Continues to encounter, consume, love, & forever change lives.
Ignite: to set fire, to take fire, begin to burn, to excite, begin to glow.
Passion: to suffer, to submit, to have strong love for, an outburst of strong desire.
Standard: of recognized excellence or established authority, to stand upright, stand fast or firm.
"Igniting a passion for HIS standard!"